Sunday, May 18, 2014


Sam and I were so spoiled by our loved ones while we were preparing to get married. I am so overwhelmed by the love and support we received by so many wonderful people.

February 9, 2014: My first bridal shower was thrown by all of Sam's family up north! Specifically his Aunt Maryann and DeNise and Lauren. Everything they did was so stinking cute and the food was tastyyyy. It was so much fun getting to spend some time with Sam's aunts and cousins from both sides. They're all so cute and sweet and they totally treated me like one of their own! It was a perfect first bridal shower!

Apparently it's some kind of "bridal shower tradition" to tie every bow from the gifts on the bride and have the groom give her a kiss to remove each one. DeNise was LOVING it and had way too much fun dressing me up in all of the ribbon and bows. I didn't mind having Sam smooch them off of me, even though I think he was embarrassed ;)

After the shower, Sam and I ditched our families and went to Ikea for Sam's first time! We scored a bunch of great stuff for our new home and we just had a lot of fun shopping around. We bought a coffee table but were a little optimistic about having it fit in my car haha it was hilarious trying to squeeze that bad boy in there. Also, I had The Smith's in my head all day after this trip because all I could think about was 500 Days of Summer. 

After a great time at Ikea, we made our way to Downtown Salt Lake to get ready for the Jazz vs. Heat game! I got Sam tickets to this game for Christmas so we were more than ready to cash those babies in! But before we went over to Energy Solutions, we made a quick and tasty stop at Settebello. Ohhh my gosh I love that place. And now Sam does, too!! 

When we got to game I was pretty bummed. I had spent some good money and our seats were NOT very good at all. I was bummed and feeling so lame but then Sam saved the day! A family friend of his that his mom works for now, Travis Jackman, has season tickets on the 18th row. He was there with a bunch of buddies but there were 4 empty seats next to them and he told us to come snag them! And boy are we glad that we did! We had so much fun down there, it was unreal!! We even made it on the kiss cam :) ooh la la! We were bad fans and went into the game convinced that the Jazz was going to get killed but they ended up winning!! It was such a fun game and the energy at the end was incredible. It was so great to get to spend some good one on one time with my man candy. 

As we were walking sprinting back to car after the game, it was pouring rain! It was so crazy! We also got way turned around and ended up coming out of the wrong exit so we had a much longer way to run to the car. It was so crazy and fun though!

February 18, 2014: My next shower was thrown by some awesome ladies in my ward, Mimi McKenna and Shari Jenkins. I love and look up to those women so much and it meant a lot to me that they put such a great night together. Seriously, I was in a sea of gifts. The entire room (and I'm not even exaggerating) was filled with gifts. I was completely blown away by the love and generosity of my family and friends. The most special gift I was given was the most adorable quilt that Mimi made for me. She is so talented and it was so neat that she was willing to put in all of that time for me. There was so much stuff that my dad and I decided to take it straight to the apartment that night instead of trying to find a place for it at their house haha. 
(I can't find any pictures right now but I will put some up laterz)

February 22, 2014: My friends Paige and Tori put on my last shower with some help from Kate as well. And that one was just as good as the rest! So many of my friends couldn't make it but that didn't stop us from having a good time! We had yummy food, opened some exciting gifts :) and then played a game. We have done this for a few of our other friend's showers and it's always a hit! Kate and Tori filmed Sam one afternoon and asked him a bunch of questions. Then at my shower, I had to answer them and any question I missed, I had to put a piece of bubblegum in my mouth. It was so fun and I definitely had my mouth full by the end haha. 

We have so many wonderful people in our lives, don't you think?! We were blessed beyond measure and it was definitely much more than we could have ever dreamed of! 

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